Monday, December 29, 2008

OK, I lied

I said I wasn't going to try to go back and catch up on challenges, but for today I changed my mind. I kept thinking about the SCS inspiration challenge from Saturday - I haven't played one of Steph's challenges in such a long time! I was drawn to the Diva Pashmina - it must have been the name! I combined this challenge with Julee's Mojo Monday sketch challenge.

First I stamped the large flower from Bella Blossoms in always artichoke on very vanilla cardstock, then I stamped it again with regal rose and pink pirouette and cut out the flower and its center. I mounted the rose flower flat and the pink part of the flower with dimensionals. The background is from the pink pirouette patterned paper collection. I stamped the sentiment (also from Bella Blossoms) in artichoke directly on the background.

To finish the card I went a little crazy with my paper piercer - I don't think I've ever pierced a card this much! It started with just the rose panel behind the flower, but then the rest of the card looked bare so I added a bunch more piercing. The ribbon is vanilla taffeta ribbon, and I mounted the flower panel over top with more dimensionals.

I don't know about you but I am loving reaching for more springy colors - now if the weather would only hurry up and get there!


Becca said...

I love the ribbon you looks so pretty. And I'm like you, I'm looking forward to using Spring colors, and hoping that will get me through the long, cold winter ahead!

card crafted said...

I love how you've combined the 2 challenges. Such a lovely card. Pink and grey go so great together.

SmilynStef said...

Isn't that a great name ... love your inspired card ... such wonderful colors and fun piercing.

DoxieGirl said...

this is so fabulous! makes me want this set!

Anonymous said...

This is really nice, love the card!

Betty J Schaub said...

Terrific card Lori!