Our church has a tradition of doing an Easter egg hunt for the kids on Palm Sunday - I guess to do it on Easter itself would be too hectic. It was pretty chilly, though. It didn't stop the kids from having a great time. Here are a few photos from the event.
This was as good of Ben as I got. Sorry, not very good! I think he was moving too fast, LOL. He's holding the butterfly he made in Sunday school in his right hand. He really loves going to his preschool class.
Sarah was really being cute. She didn't really gather eggs so much as pick up one and carry it around with her the whole time. I wish I could remember what she's looking at in the one photo - even so, I still think it's adorable!
I haven't stamped all weekend. It's making me crazy! Tomorrow I should be able to finish my big editing job and then maybe I'll have some time to create. I hope so, anyway! I have the additional task now of practicing my meditation for the MBSR course. So far I wouldn't call it meditation so much as... well, napping. I just can't stop falling asleep - it happens every time! Clearly I really should start going to bed earlier. That will be my goal for this week and we'll see how I do.
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