Tuesday, February 5, 2008

An apology in advance

I am realizing that I am way behind in making stuff for this Valentine's craft fair on the 13th. I am probably being too ambitious in what I'm trying to pull together, but I just don't know (1) how much to make for a 1,750-employee-company vendor fair, and (2) what will sell well for Valentine's Day. So... here is my apology:

I will be taking a hiatus from my inspiration challenges until Feb. 20.


I will probably be blogging less often until after the craft fair and a local card swap I'm doing on the 16th. I'll try to pop in if I can do a quick post, but I really need to kick into high gear on producing lots of stuff and focus primarily on that.

My apologies, especially to all my subscribers, old and new (thank you!!) - I promise that as soon as these commitments are behind me I will be back, because I've really enjoyed being more active on the blogging scene. Thanks for reading!

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